Counselling with Catherine
With a psychology degree, over a decade in social work, and nearly ten years of counselling training and sessions, I am here to help you. And we all need a little help sometimes.
I give you the safe space and support you need to (re)discover yourself.
With self-belief, some life tools, and putting down some of those heavy things that weren’t meant for you to carry this long, life really can change.
Catherine Fargher
Therapeutic Counsellor

What could counselling therapy give to you?
An opportunity to realise and recognise your value and your potential
A second chance: to begin again, a fresh start, acceptance and the ability to move forward
Healthy coping strategies that work for you and your future
Become more self-reliant, empowered and present in your life
To face and challenge one’s self: Who are you? What’s your ‘good, bad and ugly’? What would you like to hold on to, and let go of?
Increased self-confidence and self-belief
Able to enjoy the here and now, after dealing with those heavy thoughts whirring around
Develop skills to overcome past,
current, and future obstacles, issues or problems
A safe space where you are respected, understood, and actively listened to
Did you know ?
Kintsugi – literally golden ‘kin’ and repair ‘tsugi’ – is the 400-year-old Japanese art technique of repairing broken pottery pieces with gold. It doesn’t conceal that it was broken. The belief is that the gold seam, where the cracks were, make it more beautiful, and more resilient. In the process of the repair, a unique new design is created.